Sitemap - 2024 - Shaking the Tree

How to plan 12 weeks of articles

Advice from Ernest Hemingway

Do you REALLY need a degree in English?

Why you’ve got to keep going

Lessons from Ted Lasso

How to cut down on distractions

Why you need to rest and relax

Taming the ego

The challenge of ego

The challenge of mastery

Looking out for yourself

The power of dumping your personal baggage

Keep a notepad next to your bed

The power of recycling

A year from now

The power of narratives

The power of storytelling

Why you need a plan

The power of consistency

The power of listicles

Why kindness matters

Lessons from India

Don’t take no for an answer

The wisdom of the wizard

Why you need to tilt at windmills

The writing lessons of Kurt Vonnegut

Why fake it til you make it is really bad advice

Why you need to be reusing your old content

The power of storytelling

How content scheduling will change the way you write

How to unleash your inner superhero

How to re-wire your brain in 30 days

Why generalists will dominate the new economy

Lessons from Steve Jobs

From goldfish to ducks!

It's OK to be weird

The wisdom of goldfish

How to build your content library

Why you need to build a content library

Stop knocking your competition

Just write!

Why hipster morning routines are bullshit

Why goals need a plan

How to defeat imposter syndrome

What's next?

What I’ve learned from publishing 100 Substacks

Essays, and posts, and articles (oh my!)

Why I write in short sentences

The value of hearing people turn you down.

Content still isn't king

Why Testimonials Amplify Your Content's Impact

Before you can break the rules, you need to know what they are.

Finding your why

How to find ideas to write about

Why you need to set up content pillars

What not to do when a customer asks you for help

Why you need to lift your peers

How to become bulletproof

The power of belief

Using experience as your teacher

More thoughts on the process of writing

Why Thinking About Writing Isn't Writing

Why knocking your competitors is a bad idea

Stop trying to bore people into buying from you.

Enough with this “it’s all about engagement” nonsense!

Web search woes and how to fix them

Unleashing your inner Picasso!

Why you need to be DUMB

Brand refresh vs total rebrand

Marketing lessons from Casablanca

The Japanese philosophy of omotenashi

Name change for Shaking the Tree

The value of repairing things with gold

The wisdom of the wizard

Why you need to tilt at windmills

The writing lessons of Kurt Vonnegut

Why partnering with a local nonprofit is good for business.

Choosing the right web hosting service

Why be a Best Buy when you can be a Target?

Bookbinding lessons for business