Are you Shaking the Tree?

Shaking the Tree is about looking at things a little differently.

I draw inspiration from an elastic and eclectic list of sources and places, from movies and theatre to fiction, cooking, philosophy, art, and gardening (and more besides).

The method to the madness is to challenge your thinking and rattle your understanding of how things are “supposed to be” because they’ve rarely changed and seldom been questioned or challenged.

Let’s be honest: in terms of crafting marketing, honing messaging, and generating memorability, the days of sticking with the same-old stuff are numbered.

The saddest phrase in the business lexicon is “ … we’ve always done ti this way!”

It takes concerted effort and dedicated focus for any business to grow and thrive in today’s marketplaces—which makes it more vital than ever to keep an open mind and to be willing to reframe and retool what we think we know,.

Because traditional approaches to business can often come across as stale and ineffective, I believe it’s both necessary and prudent to shake the tree.

By shaking the tree, businesses owners can break out of old patterns and habits and discover innovative new strategies that can help them stand out and succeed.

Over on the Know-How Exchange of, my insights have been inspiring, surprising, and motivating marketers and business leaders to take a fresh perspective and find new ways to grow since 2009.

Maybe here on Substack I can do the same for you.

What to do next …

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I share ideas on content creation, branding, and small business marketing. Award-winning graphic designer. Happy hubby.